miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


Hello again!

Today we're going to see different types of stories and their characteristics.


- Story that began with oral storytelling passed down through the ages.
- Teaches a lesson. Folktales often explain something that happens in nature or convey a certain truth about life.
- The beginning of the story starts with "Once upon a time..." or a similar phrase.
- Magic events, characters, and objects are part of the story.
- One character is someone of royalty (king, queen, prince, princess, etc.)
- One character is wicked.
- One character is good.
- Goodness is rewarded in the story.
- The story ends with: "... they lived happily ever after".


- Simple and straightforward.
- Includes magic or supernatural powers.
- Characters represent human qualities such as good, evil, wisdom, foolishness, laziness.
- Problems and conflicts are clear.
- Ending usually happy or satisfying.
- Good usually rewarded, evil punished.

Types of Folktales.

Trickster tales. A fictional story that attempts to explain "why the way something is". E.g: why the leopard has it's spots.

- One character (the protagonist or trickster) is clever and devious.
- Causes problems for another.
- Is usually unpunished.
- Different cultures have specific tricksters.

Fables. A fictional story that attempts to teach a lesson. E.g: the lion and the mouse.

- Short stories.
- Teach a lesson or moral.
- Animal characters with human characteristics.
- Stress themes such as: the value of cooperation, looking at problems from different viewpoints, rewards if being satisfied.
- Some have several layers of meaning (Indian tales).
- Morals are not stated directly.
- Listener must find their own moral in the tale.

Fairy tales. Were not originally for children. Real fairy tales are very dark and scary and violent therefore, children adore them! A fairy tale usually, but not always, contains magic, or a bewitched person, or a magic tree or disguised witch.

- Include good and bad characters.
- A hero or heroine.
- Magic or fantasy.
- Includes predictable beginnings and endings "Once upon a time", "Happily ever after".
- Problem which is usually overcome through kindness, courage, intelligence.

Tall tale. Is a story about a larger-than-life character, either fictional or based on a real person who has exaggerated adventures and performs exaggerated feats of daring, strength, courage, and/or intelligence.

Now you just have to choose the one that adapts better to the content you want to work or the lesson you want them to learn.

Have fun teaching, 


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