viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


Hi again! Now, I'm going to start with a very familiar story to show you the methodology that I have explained before: (Pre-teaching, Actual teaching, Post-teaching). Here we go!


- Have you ever heard about the three little pigs story? (Normally the children will say yes!).

- And, how many pigs do we have? (Three!)

- And, what do they build? A shop? (No!) A hospital? (No!) Oooh! I know, I know! A veterinary clinic! (No!). So, what do they build? (A house!)

- Oh! It's true! thanks for your help! And, do they build the house with the same materials? (No!) (Probably they will start saying the names of the materials in spanish, so we can use here flashcards with images to show them how to say it in English). Taking the advantage that they are paying attention to the flashcards we will include more vocabulary that appears in the story and we will work later like: smokestack, pig, wolf, three, costume, etc.

- Now, let's remember their story, and pay attention to everything because we will do activities related to this later!


If you want to tell the story reading (and living) it, click on the following link:

Three little pigs.

If you want to use the digital blackboard to introduce new technologies you can play the following video:


This part is to work the moral of the story with the children using guided questions, reinforce vocabulary or work different aspects relating them to the story to catch the attention of the children. I'm going to post many activities, so you can choose the ones you want depending on the age or the time you have.

The children have to join the pictures with the correct word.

The teacher will read the instructions and the children have to follow them.

Two Labyrinths to work fine motor skills.

Some masks to decorate or reinterpret the story with the children.

Cutouts to work the ability with the scissors.

Follow the points and colour.

Turn them on the table and find the three cards of the same pig.

Cut and paste in the right place.

Let's play noughts and crosses.

I hope you find here some activities adapted to your class level and use them!

Enjoy teaching, 


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