In this section I'm going to write my opinion about the things that I've learnt and if I've liked the way it has been done.

In this course we have used a book called 500 activities for the Primary Classroom. The book has seemed useful to me to use it in the future for the large number of activities that can be found on it; but I think that we haven't "amortized" it because the book is quite expensive and we have only browsed the pages of the first units.

It seems a good resource to use in the future, so I think that is good to mention it as an important tool, but I thought we were going to use it more because of the insistence of buy it. Personally I lacked join further explanation of what we can find in general in this book and see some more important or useful activities for each one of the units.

We have used ICT too. This has been an important part for me and I am glad that we have seen it because we need to know tools for working with new technologies and, although we have a subject devoted to that, we haven't still looked at it applied to the English language, we have been shown several programs to work with. Therefore, I've liked this topic to be included in the course.

One of the activities that has taken more time for us to do has been to invent four stories with pre-teaching and post-teaching activities for Pre-primary school and two more stories for Primary school using ICT. For me the ideal would have been two and two, because I think it has helped us to reflect about this methodology and practice how to do it but, personally I think that two stories for Pre-Primary education and two more for Primary would have been enough and we could have spent more time on other aspects that have stayed with a few touches and would have been interesting to work in such a games or learning to learn, units of the book that we have not seen.

The activity in which we have to act the story in front of the class seemed to be a great one because it allowed us to work the pronunciation, shyness and learn from other colleagues and see other points of view. So about this activity I can only say that I have found it great.

The rest of activities that we have done in class were good because they allow us to think, create and compare with our colleagues. And that prepare us to work in teams that is what we will have to do in the future.

The fact that the evaluation is through the blog is fine too, because today many teachers work with blogs and it's fine to learn how to use them during our formative stage. I couldn't think in other way to evaluate such a practice subject because, obviously, a written exam is not a good option for this type of subject. 

The teacher competences seem to me to be great, with an excellent level and pronunciation of English and knowledge of the subject she teaches. The use of English as the language of the subject seems perfect to me because it helps us to reuse and think in English after a year without having used it.

In conclusion, just say that the subject generally liked me, and I know that the majority of my "objections" are due to the adjusted time that we have in the PIMM, but even so I have learned a lot and I would recommend to attend it.

Thanks for your time,


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