viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014


Today we're going to show you an example of the resources that I mention in my last post to introduce new technologies.

We are going to work with the story "Gru, my favorite villain", and it will be directed to the second cycle of Primary. 

This film tells the story of a villain that help some girls who have nothing. It teaches the importance of the family and the situation of those children that haven't got one.

The promotion of reading is very evident in the film, the little girl is always asking Gru (his adoptive father and villain) to read her a bedtime story. We finally see that Gru succumbs and makes up a book with the story of the girls and him and he reads it to the girls.

We can also work the importance of coexistence through the film, at home and in the classroom. In the film we see at the beginning that Gru adopts the girls to take advantage of them and steal the moon, so he is not good with them and he is upset with everything they do. But then, he realizes that the good things that the girls provide are bigger and better than the bad ones, and gradually the villain becomes a good person.


We will ask the children to prepare at home a poster using "Glogster" (Teachers  have to show and teach how to use the program first) with their family photos. No rules for the creation, absolutely freedom to do it! They will present it to the classroom when it's finished.

I leave one example with my own family:


We will see the film or read the novel.


After seeing the film, we will go to computer's class and we will show the children how to use the program "Goanimate". They will have to do with a pair a short film about villains. And then we will see all the films.

I've done one, I leave some photos and link to watch it!



Villain --> Villano.
Archenemy --> Archi enemigo.
Laser gun --> Pistola láser.
Unicorns --> Unicornios.
Spaceship --> Nave espacial.
Moon --> Luna.
Statue of Liberty --> Estatua de la libertad.


VISUAL --> Because we're going to create a poster with images that are going to express an idea of our family.

INTER-PERSONAL --> Because they will do a presentation to the class and they have to be careful with how to talk in order to not offend anyone.

Enjoy teaching, 


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