martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


The other day, in my University class, our teacher showed us three videos that had multiple purposes including:

- Increase road safety.
- Have a good time doing something that we do daily.
- Exercise ourselves having fun.
- Remember something good from our childhood.
- Etc.

But, basically, the purpose of this is to improve our lives in a fun way. Just as education should be.

I leave the videos to inspire you, because they really do it.

Today, more than normally... 

Enjoy teaching, 


viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014


Today we're going to show you an example of the resources that I mention in my last post to introduce new technologies.

We are going to work with the story "Gru, my favorite villain", and it will be directed to the second cycle of Primary. 

This film tells the story of a villain that help some girls who have nothing. It teaches the importance of the family and the situation of those children that haven't got one.

The promotion of reading is very evident in the film, the little girl is always asking Gru (his adoptive father and villain) to read her a bedtime story. We finally see that Gru succumbs and makes up a book with the story of the girls and him and he reads it to the girls.

We can also work the importance of coexistence through the film, at home and in the classroom. In the film we see at the beginning that Gru adopts the girls to take advantage of them and steal the moon, so he is not good with them and he is upset with everything they do. But then, he realizes that the good things that the girls provide are bigger and better than the bad ones, and gradually the villain becomes a good person.


We will ask the children to prepare at home a poster using "Glogster" (Teachers  have to show and teach how to use the program first) with their family photos. No rules for the creation, absolutely freedom to do it! They will present it to the classroom when it's finished.

I leave one example with my own family:


We will see the film or read the novel.


After seeing the film, we will go to computer's class and we will show the children how to use the program "Goanimate". They will have to do with a pair a short film about villains. And then we will see all the films.

I've done one, I leave some photos and link to watch it!



Villain --> Villano.
Archenemy --> Archi enemigo.
Laser gun --> Pistola láser.
Unicorns --> Unicornios.
Spaceship --> Nave espacial.
Moon --> Luna.
Statue of Liberty --> Estatua de la libertad.


VISUAL --> Because we're going to create a poster with images that are going to express an idea of our family.

INTER-PERSONAL --> Because they will do a presentation to the class and they have to be careful with how to talk in order to not offend anyone.

Enjoy teaching, 


martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


To teach literature in Primary, we need to know what the children like, what are their interests and what are their abilities to catch their attention.

5 - 7 Year Olds.

Physical Growth and Development.

- Period of slow growth.
- Body lengthens, hands and feet grow larger.
- Good large motor control, small muscles; eye-hand coordination not as developed but improves about age 7.
- Permanent teeth appearing.

Behavioral Characteristics.

- Attention span short but increasing.
- Activity level high.
- Learning to relate to persons outside family.
- Learning concepts of right and wrong.
- Becoming aware of sexual differences.
- Developing modesty.
- Becoming self-dependent and given time, can do things for themselves.
- Inconsistent levels of maturity, can be eager, self-assertive, aggressive, and competitive.

Special Considerations.

- Active, boisterous games with restrained jumping and running are good.
- Climbing and use of balance boards good.
- Rhythmic activities, songs and dramatics good.
- Limit activities to 15 - 30 minutes, since attention span is still short.
- Training in group cooperation, sharing, and good work habits important.
- Need concrete learning and active participation.
- Freedom to do things for self, to use and develop own abilities.

8 - 10 Year Olds.

Physical Growth and Development.

- Growth slow and steady.
- Girl's growth spurt occurs about two years ahead of boy's.
- Slow maturing boys at a disadvantage because of stress on physical ability.
- Before the growth spurt, boys and girls are of equal strength; afterward boys are stronger and often develop.
- Athletic skills and prowess.
- Large muscles still developing, but control over small muscles is increasing.
- Manipulative skills and eye-hand coordination increasing.

Behavioral Characteristics.

- Stable traits are aggressiveness in males and dependency in female.
- Age group is usually energetic, quick, eager and enthusiastic. 
- Eager for large muscle activity, organized team games. 
- Noisy, argumentative, yet highly imaginative and affectionate. 
- Often restless and fidgety, need action continuously. 
- Interest fluctuates, time span (interest) short. 
- Group-conscious, the age of clubs and the gang element. 
- Boys still tend to play with boys, girls with girls. 
- Boys and girls becoming rivals and beginning steps toward heterosexual relationships evident. 
- Beginning to learn about moral judgments and learning to apply principles to determine right and wrong. 
- Tremendous interest and curiosity about everything around them. 
- Beginning to achieve independence outside family and learn to relate to adults. 

Special Considerations.

- Need praise and encouragement.
- Exercise of both large and small muscles by using whole body activities, team sports, arts and crafts, dramatics.
- Want a best friend, and membership in a group.
- Need definite responsibility and training without pressure.
- Need a reasonable explanation and guidance to channel interests and answer questions.

11 - 12 Year Olds.

Physical Growth and Development.

- A resting period followed by a period of rapid growth in heigh and weight - usually starts between 9 and 13.
- Although boys may mature as much as 2 years later than girls.
- At these ages, girls are usually taller and heavier than boys.
- Reproductive organs maturing, secondary sex characteristics developing.
- Rapid muscular growth.
- Danger of over-fatigue, girls are becoming gradually less active.

Behavioral Characteristics.

- Wide range of individual difference in maturity level.
- Gangs (groups) continue, although boys tend to be more loyal to the group than girls.
- Time of awkwardness and restlessness.
- Teasing and antagonism exist between boys and girls.
- Opinions of group become more important than those of adults.
- Tend to ve overcritical, rebellious, changeable, uncooperative.
- Self-conscious about physical changes.
- Interested in making money.
- Imaginative and emotional with hero-worship evident.
- Asserting independence from adults, although time of strengthening affectionate relationships with specific adults.

Special Considerations.

- Good age for camp because of general enthusiasm and greater interest in outdoor activities.
- Competition keen - willingness to submerge self for benefit of group (team).
- Organized games needed - boys and girls begin to differentiate play preferences, thus making coed recreation difficult.
- Skill is essential for successful group participation - students willing to practice skills, but need guidance.
- Boys greatly interested in team (group) sports.
- Discipline can be problem because of spirit of group.

Taking into account the characteristics of each group to program the activities, we have to include too ICT's, here are some programs that we can use with the children:

- Glogster.
- Goanimate.
- Vocaroo.
- Voki.
- Mindomo.
- Linoit.
- Popplet.
- Wix.

Enjoy teaching with ICT's,


martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


This is the story that we performed in  the university class, I have posted some photos after the activities for you to see how it was. I hope you like it!

To introduce the story I will do a little theater, and I will say:
"I am looking for a little mouse called Perez because I lost him. He is so small, small, small that suddenly he disappeared, so could you help me? Yes or no? Fantastic! Is the mouse in the cup? Or is it at the door? Is the mouse on the table? Is the mouse under the table? Oh yes, I got it! Ufff it’s very nervous! Let’s calm him. We are going to tell him his story".
And, after that, I will sing the song that announces that I'm going to tell a story:
"Time for story, time for story! Everybody sit down, sit down, sit down. Everybody sit down, on your chair".

Pepito Pérez is a little town mouse. He lives with his family in a little hole in the wall of a building. The hole is not very big but it is very comfortable and there is no lack of food. They live next to a bakery and at night, he and his father usually take flour and everything they need to eat.
One day Pepito hears a great racket on the top floor.
-PM: Oh what is that noise? Can you heard it? I’m going to see what could it be.
And because he is a very curious mouse he climbs and climbs up the pipes until he arrives to the first floor.
- PM: How many machines, armchairs, flowers and pictures. It seemed as if someone was going to settle here.
The next day, Pepito went up again to see what it was and he discovered something that he liked a lot.
- PM: Oh look, it’s a dental office!
Since then, he used to go everyday to watch what the dentist was doing.
- D: I am going to tidy my dental stuff. Here goes my mirror. Then, here it goes my tweezers, my magnifying glass to see better are going here and my scissors to cut the orthodontics over there.
He watched and learnt, watched and learnt.
After that, he practices with his family everything he learns.And this is how Pepito becomes an expert. Mice from all over the world come to be healed him. All of them want their teeth to be fixed by him. But one day…
- OM: I have no teeth and I need them to eat! I miss eating candies, almonds, walnuts and all the things I could eat when I was young.
- PM: How could I help these mice? I will go to the dental office to see what the doctor will do.
He climbs and climbs up the pipes and he watches and learns, watches and learns.
There he sees how to be a dentist was putting wonderful teeth to an old man. But they are too big for the old mouse!
- PM: OMG! Where could I find teeth for old mice!
While Pepito is thinking about it, a child enters in the clinic with his mum.
- D: Hello Katie! Are you ready to take off your milk tooth?
- K: I am a little bit nervous but I need it.
- D: Let’s do it! Well done Katie! I have a present for you, because you have behaved nicely! Here you have a candy.
The little mouse Pérez finds the solution.
- PM: That’s it! I will go to the children homes and I will buy them their tooth.
That night little mouse Perez goes to take his first tooth. He climbs and climbs up the pipes. He waits until everyone is asleep and then he enters the child’s bedroom.
- K: I’m going to put my tooth under the pillow and I will show it to my family tomorrow.
- PM: Now or never! I have to be very careful to avoid wake up the child.
- K: Where is my tooth? Oh look there is a note signed by The Little Mouse Perez! That’s why he has taken my tooth, to help other mice. But he left me a delicious lollypop! I prefer it better than my tooth! I’m going to tell this to all my friends!
And from that day, all the children leave their baby teeth under the pillow. And the little mouse Pérez takes them home and leaves a present instead.
Told tale, tale finish.

K: KATIE (a child).

When we finish th story, I will ask:
"Have you liked the story?"
So now we are going to listen to a song about the different professions. Are you ready?

Finally we are going to play a game. It’s called “dentist, teeth, and mouse”. First of all we have to colour and cut some pictures (posted below) because we are going to use them for the game. Have you ever played the game stone, paper, scissors? We are going to show it to you. It’s the same game but using this new words.

Tooth (wins) Dentist (wins) mouse (wins) tooth.

These are the drawings that children should color and cut for the final game: “dentist, teeth, and mouse”.
I hope you like the story, if you can do it with your children share it and show me the results! I hang some pictures of our presentation:

Have fun teaching,
